Monday, 13 April 2015



A database is a collection of structured persistent data. An example of a database could be a database that stores your purchased Apple apps. 

There are 3 levels in a database:

Physical Data Level:

The physical data level is how the data is stored physically for example on a hard drive, and how the database files are stored and structured on the hard drive.

Conceptual view:

The conceptual view is how the database is internally managed. For example sql being used to access data on the database.

External view:

The external view is what the typical user will see, for example a search on google is an external view of Googles database, with data sorted and obtained from the physical data using the conceptual view.

  Example Table


Some example key terms are:

Column/Field - This is essentially an attribute of a record. For example an attribute of a "contact" database may be email or phone number.

Data Base Management System (DBMS) - Is the software used to create a database. An example of a GUI DBMS may be Microsoft Access whereas a non-GUI DBMS may be SQLite.

Data Type - Datatype is the type of data stored in a field, an example datatype may be integer or string, more "advanced" data types may be TIME/DATE.

Primary Key - The primary key is essentially the thing that identifys the record.     


Structured Query Language, is a language that is used, mostly when you are using code to access a database, to write database querys in. An example of an SQL query is: SELECT `email` FROM `contacts` WHERE `contact_name` = 'JohnJoe Stack'.
This would return "email" from a record that has a "contact_name" of "JohnJoe Stack", from a table that is called "contacts".

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